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Preschool Pals - Toilet Training Policy


​All preschool-aged students attending Preschool Pals at Belle Plaine Public Schools must be fully toilet trained. Children may not wear diapers or pull-ups during the school day. Staff members are not permitted to assist with wiping.  We understand that some students may require special accommodations. For families with students who have documented needs or circumstances requiring support, we are committed to working with you to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. Additionally, following an accident, a student must be able to dress themselves independently.


A toilet-trained child can:

  • Communicate to adults that they need to use the restroom before it becomes urgent.

  • Stop what they are doing to use the restroom.

  • Dressing and undressing without assistance.

  • Wiping themselves after using the bathroom.

  • Get on and off the toilet without help.

  • Washing and drying their hands.

  • Postpone using the restroom if they have to wait briefly or if they are away from the classroom.​


Why do children need to be toilet trained before they begin preschool?

There are strict licensing standards for changing and disposing of wet or soiled diapers and pull-ups. Our classrooms are not equipped or licensed for this. Additionally, when a student requires assistance with changing soiled clothing, it removes one adult from direct supervision during interaction with the rest of the class.


We understand that even toilet-trained children occasionally have accidents. By definition, “accidents” are rare incidents that happen infrequently. In these cases, staff members will help preschoolers with their clothing as needed, encouraging independence as much as possible. This policy is in place to prevent potential misconduct and protect staff members against allegations of inappropriate behavior.


Please dress your preschooler in clothing that they can manage independently. We also ask that you send a complete change of clothing to school to be stored in your child’s backpack.


If a student has more than two accidents in a day, a parent/guardian will be asked to pick the child up. If accidents become a regular occurrence (more than three accidents in one week), we will hold the registered spot for two weeks, but the child will not be able to attend school until they are fully trained. This excludes the first two weeks of school.


It is not uncommon for a child who is fully toilet trained to experience a setback when they are in a new environment. Preschool staff understand this and will assist as needed.


Please note that this policy is not in place to shame or punish a child or to inconvenience primary caregivers. Rather, cleaning accidents in the preschool and Wraparound setting is time-consuming, time that we would prefer to spend interacting with and educating students. Most importantly, this policy is intended to ensure the safety and well-being of both students and staff at Belle Plaine Public Schools.



Phone (952) 873-2400

220 S. Market St. Belle Plaine, MN 56011

Fax (952) 873-6909

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